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Browse through our most frequently asked questions.

What happens if a site surveyor does not want to use the RegLantern platform for document review during our actual OSV?

RegLantern has developed functionality that will allow you to download all of your documents to a zip file, organized by Site Visit Protocol chapter. You will then be able to move that file onto DropBox or other file sharing platform.

What happens to our documents and data if we end our subscription?

The health center will no longer have access to the documents but they will remain on our platform. The health center will still have their original documents but will lose the ability to organize them using the RegLantern tools. If at a later date the health center chooses to resume their subscription to RegLantern, all of their documents and data will be there to again access. However, the health center may be subject to a start-up fee once again.

How many users can I provide access to under my health center’s profile?

Unlimited. After a user at your site is given administrative rights (typically there is one user chosen), he or she can determine who to give access to and what level of administrative rights they receive.

What if I just want to use it for a few months and then discontinue?

RegLantern was designed to be a continual compliance tool. Experience has shown us that health centers who work to be compliant year-round, year-after-year are more successful. However, RegLantern can be used on a month-to-month basis though the cost is higher. You will see greater results and greater value if your health center signs-up for a three-year contract.

What browser versions do you support?

For maximum compatibility we strongly recommend RegLantern users utilize Google Chrome. We support the following browsers: Chrome (49 or newer), Firefox (52 or newer), Safari (10 or newer), Edge (14 or newer), and Internet Explorer (11).


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